Sukun (jazm)    Link sign

The absence of vowels (vowel-less) is indicated by  Sukun (jazm) sign (meaning quiescence) which  resembles a semi-circle sign over a consonant.    Its function is to link or join two letters and form a single syllable ( a single uninterrupted sound)    A letter with sukun sign must link to its any previous letter to its right.   Among these two letters, the first letter having its own short vowel and the second letter having the sukun sign.   No sound uttered after the pronouncing of the consonant.

Note sukun rule also applies to shaddah (tashdid) , which you will learn in lesson 21.


Shaddah (tashdid)

As-Sidq (The Truth)  Montreal Canada Since 1996 
Publisher: Muhammed Siddique Katiya 

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